DIY Quilted Faux Leather Table Makeover
When it comes to home decor, sometimes even the smallest change can make a big impact. Wangu Ngunjiri, author of interior design blog Pine cone shelf, created this fun DIY coffee table tutorial using quilted faux leather fabric. It’s hard not to feel inspired when you see the stunning before and after photos of the final result.
With the holiday season soon upon us, take a little time and indulge in a crafty project for your home. Wangu completed the entire project in less than an hour, so we’ve seriously run out of excuses on our end.
- First, find a table in need of a little makeover love and hunt down your supplies. You’ll want to have a medium duty stapler, tape, scissors and wood glue on hand. Of course, we recommend checking out our laser quilted faux leather and quilted faux leather options available for purchase through our online store.
- To get started, take your fabric and lie it across the table, making sure to cover all ends of the table surface. Cut the fabric and leave additional allowance to be able to tuck underneath the tabletop.
- Using the tape, secure one side of the fabric and then turn the table upside down. Work carefully with the stapler and begin to staple one side down, making sure to align the quilted pattern to the edge of the table. Depending on the design of the table, you might encounter a curved edge.
- Take your time to carefully staple everything, and then fold the fabric inward at the corner to keep everything together.
- Finally, cut off any additional fabric and use the wood glue to stick it on the bottom.
Simple yet incredibly chic, this is one easy DIY tutorial that lends a sense of elegance to any room. Browse through our faux leather fabric options and get ready to start on this fun, creative project at home.
- Supplies for diy coffee table
- Staple the quilted leather to underside of table
- At the corners, fold the material so it’s smooth and then staple
- Finished table with quilted leather top
- Finished quilted leather coffee table.
- Completed quilted veggie leather coffee table top.
- Other ideas for quilted leather projects
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