Make a t-shirt zipper dress

BY admin on December 6, 2015

Rework your wardrobe favorites by creating a t-shirt dress with an edgy zipper design. Start by checking your closet for two well-loved t-shirts, and then learn how to turn them into a sexy summer dress. Follow this simple do it yourself tutorial from Mark Montano, and let’s get started.

  1. You’ll need a sewing machine, two t-shirts, scissors, two 21″ long zippers, matching thread, straight pins and fabric chalk.
  2. Start by turning your t-shirt inside out.
  3. Pin the side seams for fit. Mark the sides using the fabric chalk.
  4. Mark the sleeves, and then cut one side. Remove your pins carefully.
  5. Place the scraps on the other side. Mark again and repeat the cutting process.
  6. Zigzag stitch sleeves stopping at the sides.
  7. Pin and stitch the side seams.
  8. Use half of one zipper as the front. Pin the other zipper in place. Cut around your neckline.
  9. Cut down the center back. Stitch your zippers around the neckline.
  10. Fold and overlap them where they meet. Slowly stitch them into place, working carefully.
  11. Cut off the excess from the bottom.
  12. Cut across the 2nd tee under the arms. This will serve as the bottom part of the dress.
  13. Match raw edges of both tees and pin into place. Make sure right sides are together.
  14. Stretch softly and stitch together using your sewing machine, and you’re finished!

The best part about wearing a t-shirt dress is that it’s totally comfortable and breathable. For another plus, you can use the hem of the t-shirt at the bottom, so you won’t have extra work with hemming your dress. For a tip, remember that sewing with knits means that you’ll have to pull the knit slightly when you use the sewing machine.

If you have a serger, then you’re exempt, but you can do it with a regular straight stitch on a regular sewing machine. Now is the time to unleash your creativity and get ready to make a t-shirt dress of your own. Check out the plethora of zipper options, including various styles and colors, that we have available for sale here at MJTrends.

Written by Jade Nicolette

Matching Products:

20 inch red nylon non-separating zipper.

Red nylon non-separating Zippers


20 inch burgundy red non-separating nylon zipper.

Wine nylon non-separating Zippers


Black separating zipper with nylon teeth.

Black nylon separating Zippers


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