DIY Quilted Leather Jacket

BY admin on January 27, 2016

Mimi Goodwin, author of fashion blog “Mimi Style” created a cool and quirky tutorial for a do it yourself quilted jacket. It was only her first time quilting anything, but the results look fabulous. For her design, Mimi chose a bold print with contrasting sleeves of luxe black leather.

  1. Using a rotary cutter, she cut the strips of fabric approximately three inches wide.
  2. Next, she placed each strip of printed fabric together and sewed along the edge with about a 1/4″ seam allowance.
  3. After repeating this process several times, she cut them into 5.5″ square pieces.
  4. She used another tutorial to piece together the contrasting prints, which is one of the first steps towards quilting.
  5. She used the Butterick 4926 pattern to create a base shape of a shawl.
  6. She pressed a batting piece together with the fabric and then began to sew the jacket altogether.

The finished piece is definitely a head turner. You’ll garner tons of looks with this bold, daring statement jacket. Choose a solid color or funky print for your base, and then make sure to add leather sleeves for an energizing addition. Check out our online store for a wide array of veggie leather fabric options available.

Written by Jade Nicolette


Matching Products:

Black quilted faux leather fabric.

Quilted Faux Leather


Laser cut faux leather material.

Laser quilted Faux Leather


Grey 20 inch invisible zipper.

Grey nylon non-separating Zippers


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