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Stretching Latex/Glue/Zippers


I\'m working on a project that requires the latex to stretch considerably.  Is there a glue or method that can be used to create a permanent bond between the latex and zipper--capable of enduring a high amount of stress?  

I will also need to attach the latex to another material, likely wood.  Is there a glue that can accomplish this--it doesn\'t need to be pretty, just strong.

Thanks for any help or input.



Response by: Michael, April 6th 2010 6:43:23 am

Use a flat fell seam and either of our latex sheeting glue will result in a bond that cannot be pulled apart.  If bonding latex to another material you will want to use an epoxy type solution (the ones that you mix before adhering) that would be suitable for rubber and wood, or whatever other material you are bonding it to. 

Happy gluing!