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Latex glues


I\'m a latex beginner and i\'m really wondering what are the main differences between latex glues.

I heard thee are few different ones out there: latex milk [the white one], rubber cement [transparent], and then variopus types of adhesives. I\'ve also heard some of these glue instantly, some others need some hours to fully dry.
Frankly i\'m confused ^^

Can someone explain me exactly how many adhesives for latex are around?
Also, what\'s the best one for a beginner?



Response by: Ry, February 17th 2011 9:33:14 pm

Solvent based adhesive with a thick piece of latex (.50mm or thicker) is the best way to learn.  Thin guage latex is cheaper, but much harder to work with for a beginner. 

The ammonia based adhesive won\'t cause the latex to curl (curling is a major frustration for beginners), but it doesn\'t offer the chance to easy pull the seam apart and reposition.

Best of luck!