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rubber latex gloves

Just wanted to know what is the best process for glueing latex gloves together?

the gloves are apart of a sleeve to be put onto a suit and the fingers are not hideously tight, but I'm finding it really fiddley to get the curves of the fingers flush and wrinkle free. Is there a trick to it?

Also, what's the best way to apply a zip into a seam of a latex suit. I've only seen tutorials where there there is no seam and the CB was cut to insert the zip.



Response by: Michael, October 3rd 2013 3:37:29 pm

You have a few options:

  • practice, practice, practice as this is the hardest thing you'll probably ever make.  The seams around fingers are extremely small and very difficult.
  • Purchase molded gloves.
  • Purchase latex gloves - you can find black ones and white ones, but not much else when it comes to colors, and then modify them to be armpit gloves etc.  This gets you around having to glue the fingers.
  • Go with fingerless gloves.

Good luck!