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dying latex sheeting

I want to create custom colors with latex sheeting. I was thinking that there must be some way to dye the latex. Has anyone heard of doing this, or know of some way to achieve this?


Response by: guest, August 20th 2004 2:11:21 pm

I would assume that when commercial latex manufacturer's create latex sheeting that they infuse the rubber with some kind of dye when it is at the liquid stage.

You need to find out if latex is porous enough such that it will absorb a dye. I know you can dye leather fabric, I would probably try and purchase some leather dyes to try and use on latex. I don't know where you can find them, but a google search for "leather dye" should get you some results.

Response by: guest, August 27th 2004 3:49:06 pm

I wanted to dye latex white- does anyone have any ideas or approaches on how to do this?

Response by: guest, October 1st 2004 11:02:07 pm

White technically isn't a color- it's a lack of color. I have been trying to figure out how to dye amber latex sheeting white and I don't think that it is possible. I looked into spraying it white, but it's more expensive than just ponying up for white latex. I'd like to hear if anyone out there has successfully done this.

Response by: guest, January 3rd 2005 3:10:24 pm

Latex will not dye; it is a synthetic fabric made from plastic. Unless you are willing to color over the entire piece with Sharpie Markers (which is about the only way you can color synthetics), then you will just have to settle with the colors that are available to you.

Response by: guest, January 3rd 2005 3:11:11 pm

Latex will not dye; it is a synthetic fabric made from plastic. Unless you are willing to color over the entire piece with Sharpie Markers (which is about the only way you can color synthetics), then you will just have to settle with the colors that are available to you.

Response by: guest, August 24th 2006 1:17:11 am

You can't 'dye' latex, however you can apply special latex inks. The inks aren't cheap, but they work pretty darn well. (The silkscreen inks are what balloon manufacturers use to put patterns on balloons) Take a look at Union Process Rubber Inks for some more info!

Response by: corwin, July 19th 2008 11:21:39 pm

White technically isn\'t a color- it\'s a lack of color. I have been trying to figure out how to dye amber latex sheeting white and I don\'t think that it is possible. I looked into spraying it white, but it\'s more expensive than just ponying up for white latex. I\'d like to hear if anyone out there has successfully done this.
actually Jim, white is the combination of ALL colors, the lack of colors = Black.