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Homepage » Pins » Kim K latex dress made in black patent vinyl

Kim K latex dress made in black patent vinyl


Black patent vinyl scoop dress just like the pink Atsudo Kudo latex dress worn by Kim Kardashian.

Make it yourself with the following items:

Product Quant Price Total
Teflon Presser Foot: Zig-Zag Stitch 5.99 $5.99
Sewing needles: sharp size 80/12 4.69 $4.69
Patent Vinyl Fabric: Black 9.99 7.99 / yard $15.98
Bra Wire: b - c cup size 2.25 $0.00
Black thread: all purpose 2.89 $2.89
20 inch black brass zipper 1.55 $1.55
GrandTotal: $