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Homepage » Pins » Double breasted clear vinyl coat

Double breasted clear vinyl coat


Double breasted clear plastic coat with black faux leather collar and trim covers nude bodysuit. Worn with black fingerless gloves.

Make it yourself with the following items:

Product Quant Price Total
Roller Presser Foot 5.99 $5.99
Sewing needles: leather 90/14 5.99 4.99 $4.99
Clear vinyl / PVC material 2.99 / yard $8.97
Black Vinyl Fabric 8.99 4.99 / yard $4.99
Large Buttons: Black (1.25 inches) 1.49 $0.00
Small Buttons: Black (3/8 inch) 1.29 $0.00
Black faux leather 8.99 / yard $8.99
Black thread: all purpose 2.89 $2.89
GrandTotal: $