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Homepage » Pins » Leather overalls Norwegian style

Leather overalls Norwegian style


Black leather overall dress crocodile embossed inlay on the chest, paired with a black button-up leather shirt with snakeskin detailing at the collar. The small details of this outfit elevate it from a look that was already unique to something completely rare and couture.

Make it yourself with the following items:

Product Quant Price Total
Black faux leather 8.99 / yard $26.97
Crocodile Fabric: Black 10.99 8.99 / yard $8.99
Snakeskin Fabric: Black 11.99 / yard $0.00
Medium Buttons: Black (1/2 inch) 1.29 $0.00
Black thread: all purpose 2.89 $2.89
GrandTotal: $