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Blood splatter on latex

I've seeing some dresses with blood splatters on them. Does anyone know what kind of paint they're using to do this?

darkist, April 22nd 2016 7:31:15 pm

I think this is actually a latex sheet made by yummy gummy latex. Rather than latex sheet with paint added to...



Painting on latex....

...is it possible and what do you use?

JP, March 31st 2016 1:12:54 pm

Definitely can be done.  See one earlier thread for some...



Stockings and gloves

Is there a book or tutorial somewhere that shows how to make latex gloves and stockings? 

Addison, March 17th 2016 3:36:15 pm

Your best bet would be to find a pattern for making gloves or stockings.  BTW - gloves are super hard to make...




What kind of Zipper is recommended to be used for latex? What kind of glue is better to use? In the past I have seen some Zipper that separates from the whole piece. I do have a clue that organic material won't work the best ,...

cire1029, February 20th 2017 7:37:16 pm

  Walmart has many length zippers with plastic teeth, and I use "Slime Rubber Cement" in the green can. It is...

Addison, March 17th 2016 3:51:45 pm

Some people prefer to use zippers that have plastic teeth, as metals such as brass can discolor light-colored...



Lingerie student needs help! Latex corsetry?

Hello all! So I am a student specializing in intimate apparel and for my senior thesis I'm going to attempt to construct a garment in latex. Never have worn it before... never have made anything in it before! Crazy, I know....

JP, March 1st 2016 12:29:42 am

Haven't made a corset, but I've done some latex work, and my wife has a commercial latex corset that has held up...