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Adhereing latex to other fabric

Can I glue latex to PVC fabric and vise versa?

Michael, January 3rd 2012 10:24:30 pm

Technically you can glue any substrate to any other kind of substrate especially if you use an epoxy glue. ...

guest, February 6th 2005 2:41:47 pm

Vinyl fabric is sewn not glued. I have heard of auto manufacturer's using a vinyl glue on automotive vinyl, but...



Proper zippers for Latex work.

I have dabled in latex on and off for a little while but have just raninto my first project where i needed to insert a zipper. There seems to be conflicting information regarding what works best and how to best apply them. I...

Steve F, March 11th 2013 9:42:59 am

It is absolutely critical that the zippers fabric is totally impregnated with latex or it will come out of the...

Michael, December 6th 2011 7:11:11 pm

What type of glue did you use?  After you applied a few coats of glue to the zippers tape, did you notice...



White streaking on Sheet Latex

Howdy folks, I recently purchased some .50mm sheet latex. Itcame with cloudy white streaks on it that would "smear" when rubbed. When I used Bestine solvent to clean my glue joints, even more streaks appeared. And when...

Michael, November 18th 2011 9:42:58 am

The white streaks are most likely talcum powder.  The powder is used to keep the sheeting from sticking to...




Hello all I am new to polishing latex. I bought your pint latex and the stuff is great.   However, one observation that puzzles me.  When I put the polish on is it supposed to dry? How long does it take? Just wondering....

Chloe, October 4th 2013 10:28:04 pm

Just a word of advice - make sure you are finished with all your gluing before you apply any shine.If your seams...

Richard, June 9th 2011 5:22:24 pm

Their polish is great...it will feel "oily" for a while, but after about 3 or 4 times polishing the...



MJTrends Cut Quality of Sheet Latex

When MJTrends cuts sheet latex for an order, are the cuts completely straight and at a right angle to the material or are they "rough cuts"? It would save me a lot of re-cutting if they arrive already...

Richard, June 9th 2011 5:19:46 pm

they are at right angles....90 degree cuts not rough nice and straight