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Liquid latex not sticking to painted fabric

Good morning. I desperately need help. I have made several costumes applying liquid latex on fabric. Last night I made a mistake and painted the fabric I am adhering the latex pieces to prior to applying the latex. Not the latex...

mlurk, February 23rd 2023 7:40:18 pm

Here is one method you could try. Using a fine grit sandpaper sand the acrylic paint and try again. The same...



Latex sticking to other pieces of latex

I have a full latex nun habit and it sticks to my latex  top/catsuit - how to add something underneath the habit so it doesn’t stick to my latex top/catsuit. I’m thinking of adding satin under it but how would...

taricol45, December 8th 2022 10:02:54 am

Useful information

Chloe, September 30th 2022 4:54:41 pm

You can bind latex to non latex fabrics by first impregnating the non-latex fabric with either liquid rubber or...




Trying to buy Latex Adhesive on this site but none available,  What are other folks using beside the adhesives available here?

May Fendell, November 1st 2022 1:47:01 pm

Try using bestine

May Fendell, November 1st 2022 1:46:35 pm

Bestine is great so is best time rubber cement both are available on amazon



Laser Cutting

Hi,I have a 5.5W diode laser cutter that I have been using to trial cutting latex of various thicknesses and colors. I was wondering what the settings were that you use for your latex trim/lace? I am finding that the cuts...

CarolGray, September 22nd 2021 4:31:04 am

Yes, that's where duct tape saves the day [anchor](https://999.md/)

Jackel433, September 2nd 2021 3:15:38 pm

Hi TimI've been looking into CO2 Laser lately an I saw to eliminate the sticky goo that the laser makes the best...



Butty Shorts

Hi to all,I am trying to make shorts that take the form of the but line, i don't know how to explained, something like the picture i attached to this post.Any advice how to achieve something like this in latex? Thanks in...

mlurk, October 3rd 2021 9:41:27 pm

The best way to do this is to add a zipper to the crotch and rear. About 24" long. You want something that does...

Mike2021, September 30th 2021 11:53:45 pm

@Chloe, @mlurk - As a follow up to OP, I'm trying to make a set of leggings for the wife.  She dislikes the...