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The "Best" Best-Test??

I am totally new to creating with latex sheeting but I have years of sewing and costuming experience. I have not come across this issue in my own research and I wondered if some of you might be able to help me out.  I had...

Andre , August 7th 2015 9:03:21 am

I don't know the brand of glue that you are referring to as we do not get it in SA. I would suggest that you...

Jzaayer, April 6th 2015 8:44:23 am

Thanks for the encouragement.  I was sure to buy some Bestine at the same shop while I was there.  I've...




looking forward to doing business



Help please!

Hello!I'm a cosplayer and about to start working on the below Sailor Moon cosplay as designed by No Flutter.I want to do the whole think in a combination of Latex and PVC but I could really use some advise on the fabric.I'm...

Andre , August 7th 2015 9:13:40 am

If you use 0.2 it would hang quite flat against your body and wont really puff up. I would rather go thicker. 0.3,...

JP, January 17th 2015 6:59:11 pm

You definitely need to post photos when you're done, that looks like it should be an amazing costume!Haven't done...




I hope to make a pair of lounging pajamas. I am OK with pattern making, cutting and gluing, but I have no idea how to put elastic in the waist of the bottoms. Can anyone enlighten me?

Andre , August 7th 2015 9:49:48 am

Sorry I forgot to add this. This is the pattern I used.

Andre , August 7th 2015 9:46:05 am

I hope I can explain clearly what I have done. I used a piece of 0.8mm latex that I had. I cut a strip 2...



Bleaching metal stains on light latex?

Not actually MJT latex, but... a white latex shirt has some eyelets that turn out not to be stainless steel, and they've left the usual brownish metal stains where they lay against the latex.I've seen discussion that these stains...

shinyskintight, April 5th 2015 11:28:39 pm

Nice experiment! Thanks JP! Will definitely keep this in mind if I run across this issue with any of my garments...

JP, January 1st 2015 11:37:38 pm

Since I couldn't find good answers, I made some brass stains on scrap white sheet and tried various cleaners that...