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Latex dress selfie

Hot pink and metallic purple latex dress selfie:

babylatex25, November 2nd 2014 12:09:07 pm

I love your dress +++++ Very nice achievement, congratulations !

Andre , November 1st 2014 6:47:41 am

This is a lovely dress. And the choice of colours are superb. looks realy stunning. 



Latex Catsuit

Has Anyone Ever Made A Latex Catsuit? How Did It Turn Out? And How Difficult Was Making It?

DCRubberGuy, December 11th 2015 5:59:30 am

I've made a full suit before and in the process of making another one. The first one was in gray and orange with a...



Spiked Wristbands

Whats up! Here's my latest project. Spiked latex wristbands for my Halloween costume. Double layered .5 latex to add thickness for strength. Definitely needed the hole puncher to create a nice hole without any stress points...

shinyskintight, November 2nd 2014 3:43:55 pm

My devilishly sexy fiance and I, ready to freak some people out, lol!

shinyskintight, November 2nd 2014 3:41:15 pm

Here's what it looks like in the dark ;)



Seam cleaner

hey ladies and gents, what is an alternative when cleaning seams as have just ran out of seam cleaner by MJtrends  and unsure exactly what the product is :) Would white spirits do the trick?thankyou :) 

shinyskintight, December 12th 2014 10:09:38 pm

From reading the responses on this thread I do believe there might be a little confusion as to what cleaner...

JP, November 25th 2014 11:02:34 am

I use "Bestine" rubber cement solvent & thinner, from the folks who make "Best-Test" white rubber...



Latex coat

I just finished a men's coat from 0.8mm sky blue latex with white trimming and buttons.

Andre , November 1st 2014 10:27:34 am

I am currently busy with a Transparent latex (0.4mm) rain jacket with hood and front zipper. Will post a picture...

Andre , November 1st 2014 10:24:10 am

Thanks for the beautiful compliments. :-)