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latest creation

My latest creation is a men's shirt with long sleeves and buttons

Andre , August 9th 2014 7:05:32 am

I used Burda style 7525. The size was fine but I had to modify some of the pattern piece at the slit at the cuffs...

Chloe, August 6th 2014 10:20:07 pm

What pattern did you follow to make this shirt?  Did you have to modify it to your body measurements?



Latex gluing tips?

I'm having a heck of a time getting my seams to adhere properly. I've tried several types of cement (including the solvent-based one sold here), am careful to clean and dry the latex, have tried letting the glue dry anywhere from...

Walkerlol, November 23rd 2024 4:30:48 pm

Hoping to bring this one back to surface.  Fighting exact same issue.  I can glue other brand latex just...

JP, December 23rd 2014 2:32:39 pm

In case this thread might help someone else...Is it possible the surface of the latex has something on it that's...



Finished projects

Two shirts that I made recently. One is a black long sleeve T-shirt with transparent sleeves. Don't know why but I just love transparent sleeves. And a forest green T-shirt that I made a size smaller than what I...

Andre , September 24th 2014 4:23:34 am

You can reverse it but I just bought the black with red back because it was cheaper than just black latex.

latexgood, September 23rd 2014 6:59:46 pm

Good Good Job Making Both Of Them! Is The Transparent Black One Reversible?



Latex sewing

Hi there! I have never worked with latex before and I am wondering if I can use a sewing machine to sew the peices together or I have to use the adhisive. Thanks,Hannah Rose

latexgood, September 23rd 2014 6:26:49 pm

Sorry To Say But You Can't Use A Sewing Machine On Latex As It Will Tare Very Easy When It Gets Stretched.

Andre , July 17th 2014 2:14:42 am

The only way is to glue it. It is actually simple once you get the hang of it. I would recommend the solvent based...



New at this, latex thickness question

Hi there, I want to attempt to make myself a latex top.  Ive never worked with latex before. I want it to be tight at the bust and flowy at the hips, a bit like the top in the pic.What thickness latex should i get? ...

Andre , September 7th 2014 9:27:42 am

0.3mm Top and bottom would work fine. I would not suggest 0.2mm if it is your first latex project. 0.2 is more...

antrices, September 6th 2014 4:27:55 pm

Lovely! <3