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Use of MJ latex sheeting for vacuum bedding

Can i use MJ latex sheeting for building a vacuum bed and witch adhesives would be best for this appl

Chloe, April 4th 2017 11:56:39 am

Yes, you can use latex sheeting for a vacuum bed.  My preference is for the solvent based adhesive, but...



How would you make a two-colored cape?

I've previously made a cape for a red-and-black Robin using MJ Trends' two-color latex.But now I'm working on a different Robin, from "Batman Forever", and need to make a cape that's yellow inside, black outside.  Curious...

JP, July 18th 2017 2:37:45 am

Thanks!Lots of threads on here are still useful after a long dormancy, nothing wrong with providing more...

Majinko, July 18th 2017 1:40:06 am

This is amazing!I realized the date on the post after I replied but it still is helpful to those who might be...



Suggestions of glue/adhesive for fixing latex suit?

I recently bought a whole body latex suit, but I accidentally sliced open the left sock, left a relatively big opening, luckily, the shop I bought it from sent a small patch of extra latex along with the suit for fixing purposes...

JP, January 19th 2017 4:23:31 pm

Also, what's the finish on the suit?  If it has been chlorinated, you'll want to carefully sand off the...

JP, January 19th 2017 4:19:45 pm

Either of the adhesives sold here at MJTrends should work.  The solvent-based one is a bit faster, it's what...



Recommended glue for cotton-latex bond

Hi everyone!I would like somebody to recommend me a specific brand of glue.I want to add snap closures to latex sheeting. I already have the pliers and everything, just dont know what glue I should use to paste the cotton stripes...

JP, January 22nd 2017 9:48:19 pm

I don't believe an ordinary white school glue wold work -- water-based latex glue looks similar to white glue, but...

DAVID QUINONES, January 19th 2017 8:41:59 pm

Thanks again JP. Do you know of any well known brand I might use from my local store? I had seen in tutorials they...



Measuring Latex Thickness

Is there a tool available for measuring the thickness of latex sheeting? Or is the accepted method just a matter of swatch comparison and learning what the various weights feel like?

JP, November 6th 2016 7:13:49 pm

I use a cheap jeweler's-grade micrometer -- doesn't need to be machinist quality for sheet thickness....