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Points: 0

Rank: 277th

Status: newbie


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Postings Ry has participated in:

Waterproof vinyl

Posted on: Feb 19th 2009 1:54:57 pm

Yes, the vinyl fabric is waterproof.  If you need something for a specific...

Transparent latex sheeting

Posted on: Jan 27th 2009 11:50:05 am

MJTrends does sell transparent sheeting in two colors: natural / amber and...

Latex thickness

Posted on: Jan 27th 2009 11:46:05 am

Latex thickness means exactly what it says - the thickness of the latex...

Shining stretch vinyl

Posted on: Jan 6th 2009 12:28:54 pm

Have you purchased the stretch vinyl yet and compared?  If you haven\'t, I...

repair vinyl skirt

Posted on: Sep 23rd 2008 3:45:25 pm

Applying liquid latex on the exposed material is not going to get you the results...

patent vinyl for corset

Posted on: Sep 3rd 2008 3:14:09 pm

There is a small degree of stretch with the patent vinyl, but not much.  If you...

Cutting latex

Posted on: Aug 15th 2008 3:43:26 pm

I would recommend that you use a rotary cutter.  Any scissors, no matter how...

vinyl for clowns

Posted on: Aug 4th 2008 12:02:24 pm

Oil cloth may work, not sure how comfortable it would be as the backing could make...

glue for latex sheeting

Posted on: Jul 31st 2008 2:35:04 pm

I would advise that you give it a try and see what happens.  It can\'t...

Silk screen latex

Posted on: Jul 16th 2008 5:46:59 pm

You can silk screen latex just as you would a regular t-shirt if you didn\'t want to...

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