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Patent Vinyl Corset Chair project

I wanted to try an upholstery project so I found a cheap chair and reupholstered it with MJ Trends Black Patent Vinyl and added a corset design to the back of it. This is all my own custom design and the 1st time I've ever done...



Laser Cutting

Hi,I have a 5.5W diode laser cutter that I have been using to trial cutting latex of various thicknesses and colors. I was wondering what the settings were that you use for your latex trim/lace? I am finding that the cuts...

CarolGray, September 22nd 2021 4:31:04 am

Yes, that's where duct tape saves the day [anchor](https://999.md/)

Jackel433, September 2nd 2021 3:15:38 pm

Hi TimI've been looking into CO2 Laser lately an I saw to eliminate the sticky goo that the laser makes the best...



Butty Shorts

Hi to all,I am trying to make shorts that take the form of the but line, i don't know how to explained, something like the picture i attached to this post.Any advice how to achieve something like this in latex? Thanks in...

mlurk, October 3rd 2021 9:41:27 pm

The best way to do this is to add a zipper to the crotch and rear. About 24" long. You want something that does...

Mike2021, September 30th 2021 11:53:45 pm

@Chloe, @mlurk - As a follow up to OP, I'm trying to make a set of leggings for the wife.  She dislikes the...



Tips for sewing on vinyl fabric

If you don't want to use MJTrends silicone lubricant (https://mjtrends.com/categories-Latex-Shine,Notions) you can use food grade silicone spray, the type used in meat slicers and grinders:...



Coat I made for my wife

Used 0.65 patent vinyl, heavily modified sewing pattern Simplicity 4084. And many ideas from Pinterest. Very pleased with result.And, made a fun Santa hat with some of the leftovers.  :-)

shinyskintight, January 7th 2022 6:10:26 pm

WOW! That is amazing!  Great job! 👏👏👏

CarolGray, September 21st 2021 4:26:16 am

Hi, wow that coat is gorgeous, you are so good!!!!